Media Center Control v163 Apk App [Last Update]

Download Media Center Control v163 Apk App is Genre Apk Created By SomeOne. See Log Change in This Version Media Center Control v163 Apk App For Free. This App and Apk

Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: The Windows Media Center or Media Player remote control solution for Android.

 Do you ever wanted or tried a Windows Media Center/Player remote app? Then Media Center Control is made for you. Remote control everything from your phone, even if your TV/display is switched off.

 - Control music, videos, movies, photos , TV and radio content with Windows Media Center
 - Control music, videos and photos with Windows Media Player
 - Easy and fast searching of music, video/movie or TV content
 - Scheduling and playback of TV recordings (scheduling from internet also)
 - Fast connection via WiFi or Internet
 - Switch on your computer automatically with Wake On LAN (WOL)
 - Integrated, easy to use Sleeptimer
 - Quick and easy installation process
 - Optimized for both: small screens and tablets
 - English, french and german localization

 You need to install MCC on your Windows computer too! Before you purchase the app, you can download the server app on for free.

 Requirements for the Windows computer:
 Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system (For use with Windows Media Center, Windows 7 is required) and a network connection between your phone and your PC (Wifi router).

Download Instructions:
Download Media Center Control v163 Apk App New version, Link There Above With Redirect Link.

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