exDialer & Contacts Donate v85 Apk App [Last Update]

Download exDialer & Contacts Donate v85 Apk App is Genre Apk Created By SomeOne. See Log Change in This Version exDialer & Contacts Donate v85 Apk App For Free. This App and Apk

Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: It's a donate version of exDialer.

 May be the best smart dialer in android market. Totally Free, NO AD, No network access. ExDialer is a MiUI style smart dialer. If you like it, visit http://www.miui.com to experience excellent MiUI rom. Also you could donate to support my work.

 When exDialer installed, two icons will be found in launch panel, exDialer and exContacts. exDialer is the entry of dialer interface with call log view initiated. exContacts give you a view to browse /filter/manage all known contacts.

 ☆To support my development, you can
 • donate via PayPal by pressing donate button in about activity
 • or, purchase donate version. (Donate version is the same as this version except some texts in about page)

 ▌Do you have problem to clear missed call notification?
 Try "xMissedCall Patch" if your phone is rooted.
 Checkout here https://market.android.com/details?i...ssedcall.patch
 or, enter Preferences page of exDialer, and press "Install xMissedCall"

 ▌Useful skills
 • Long press the contacts button(at left-bottom corner of dialer view) to quick access favorites
 • Dial "#" key to perform phone number searching
 • Dial "*" key to display strequent contacts list
 • Swipe contact item left or right, to send SMS or make a call directly

 • Extra light weight, and smooth
 • Contact groups/favorites manager
 • T9 contacts/calls filter
 • Contacts list quick search
 • Additional search fields, Nickname, Postal address, Organization, Note
 • Contacts first alphabet quick scroll
 • Call logs group by contact
 • Speed dial
 • Swipe contact left/right to SMS/call
 • Various themes available

 What's in this version:
 Improve smoothness of list scrolling
 Fix bug when swiping contact
 Better support xhdpi devices
 Estonian language added, thank iff2
 Fix many issues with android 4.x
 Enable multi-languages T9 search

Download Instructions: No Donate Pack needed.

Download exDialer & Contacts Donate v85 Apk App New version, Link There Above With Redirect Link.

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