Power Toggles 4.5 APK
An advanced power control widget. FREE and No ADDS Power Toggles APK
Contains following toggle options :An advanced power control widget. FREE and No ADDS Power Toggles APK
- Wifi
- Mobile Data (3G/4G)
- 2G/3G toggle (2-Click)
- Bluetooth (toggle, discovery and tether),
- Data Sync
- force sync
- Airplane Mode
- Screen Auto Rotate
- Wifi Hotspot
- Volume( (toggle and slider)
- GPS (shortcut to gps settings: direct toggle is not possible due to security restrictions on android)
- NFC (shortcut to NFC settings)
- brightness (four mode toggle, auto brightness, and slider)
- Flashlight
- screenlight
- wake lock
- screen timeout
- USB Tether
- Battery info
- screen lock
- system font (increase and decrease, double click to return to normal size)
- Multimedia buttons (play, next track, prev track and mute)
- Reboot (only for rooted users: shutdont, rebot and shutdown menu)
- WiMax (Only for EVO)
- Custom application shortcut
- Custom system shortcuts
Whats New:
- Added 4 widget styles (default, wide, indicator, and label)
- Lock screen widgets for android 4.2+
- added wirelessAdb (for rooted device)
- New permission (call phone) for adding direct call shortcuts on the widget
- Added Stats and Info section in the app
- Fixes:
- Fixed bluetooth tether
- Improved live preview while editing
- Forced rotation mode (on rotation lock toggle) enables auto rotate.
- Minor optimization of battery polling
- Fixed few random crashes
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