Remote iTunes with DJ voting 4.0 APK, Download Remote iTunes with DJ voting 4.0, Get the Remote app with the highest functionality.
- Wake On Lan!!
- Browse by artist, album, genre and playlists
- Album list sortable by album name or artist name
- Artist name of the tracks are visible in compilation albums
- Select AirPort Express and AppleTV speakers
- Adjust individual AirPlay volumes
- Swipe function for previous & next song
- Shuffle, Repeat…
- Volume control with volume keys from everywhere!!
- Play complete album or playlist or genre list etc. randomly with one button
- Start Genius from current track
- Refresh Genius List
- Play Genius List randomly
- Full DJ functionality with cover
- Vote songs to the DJ List from everywhere
- “Play now” or “Play as next” from everywhere for DJ list
- Request song mode for DJ list
- Play/Pause and skip function in DJ list and album lists
- Search your complete iTunes library
- Connect with multiple Libraries
- Easy change libraries
- DJ guest mode for party’s
- Home screen widget
- Support Apple TV 1
- Switch on/off visualizer (in menu)
- Individual options like “full screen mode”…
- And much more…
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