XPERIA S Home Launcher for non-XPERIA phones | rev.9c Apk App [Last Update]

Download XPERIA S Home Launcher for non-XPERIA phones | rev.9c Apk App is Genre Apk Created By SomeOne. See Log Change in This Version XPERIA S Home Launcher for non-XPERIA phones | rev.9c Apk App For Free. This App and Apk

Requirements: Android 2.3+
Overview: Based on XPERIA™ Home 2.2.A.0.14 from Sony XPERIA S

 Optimized for non-XPERIA devices.
 Don't install on XPERIA devices, especially if you have stock ROM!!!
 All APKs are signed with a non-Sony Ericsson key!

 Optimized for:
 All possible screen resolutions are supported since rev.9


 System Requirements:
 Gingerbread or ICS

 1. Remove / uninstall all apps that use the shared user com.sonyericsson.home (older/different versions of: XPERIA Home and various XPERIA widgets).
 2. If you have not already installed revision 3 or earlier of this package proceed to step 7, else proceed to step 3.
 3. Download the XPERIA S uninstaller package in order to remove your old installation.
 4. Reboot into ClockWorkMod recovery and make a backup (optional).
 5. Flash the uninstaller package.
 6. Reboot.
 7. If you want to install an updated version of a certain APK, first uninstall the old version from Settings->Apps.
 8. Download the Home.apk suitable for your screen resolution and install as normal APK.
 9. Download the widget APK(s) you want to install and install as normal APK(s).

 Revision history:
 rev.8b (24.04.2012)
 - Corrected the alignment of titles of folders in the dock bar

 Both variants work for qHD and HD devices (does not matter which file you choose).
 The screenshots are from a WVGA (800×480) device.

 All credits to ra3al

Download Instructions:
XPERIA S Home (Rev.9c):
 All Resolutions


XPERIA S Widgets:

 OnOffTools * Push to /system/app to fix GPS FC



 WidgetPicker - Required by ClockWidgets, OnOffTools and WeatherWidget

Uninstall old XPERIA S Home
Download XPERIA S Home Launcher for non-XPERIA phones | rev.9c Apk App New version, Link There Above With Redirect Link.

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