Script Manager (No ads) v1.9.5 Apk App [Last Update]

Download Script Manager (No ads) v1.9.5 Apk App is Genre Apk Created By SomeOne. See Log Change in This Version Script Manager (No ads) v1.9.5 Apk App For Free. This App and Apk

Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: A powerful application to execute scripts and executables, root explorer and browser and multi terminal emulator.

 Execution Functions:
 Manage and execute shell scripts and programs in file system.
 All executions run over vt100 terminal accepting user input and esc codes (colors, bel, cursor movement ..)
 Run them at boot-up and on network status change possibility.
 Schedule at selected time. (cron jobs)
 Show graphical dialogs from running process.
 Create widgets at desktop.
 Edit and create scripts, also create them from url.
 Insert code in your scripts using QR codes.
 Share execution output.
 Bookmark your scripts.
 Test SM_VERSION and/or SM_VERSIONCODE to know if is running inside SManager.

 With root privileges you can also execute them with superuser privileges.

 File explorer Functions:
 Browse all phone's file.
 Open and edit all files associated to an application.
 Click to execute scripts, and long tap to edit, move,copy and rename files and directories. Also Create links and show files properties
 Multiselect function from different directories. (Ads version only support 7 selections from different directories. No limit if selections are in the same directory)

 With root privileges you can also:
 Root explorer

 Root editor (Allow edit files with root privileges also usable by other applications. Configure "Browse as root" to use it with script manager or other application)

 Open and edit ALL files regardless the permissions they have with selected application. Use CAREFULLY(Configure "Browse as root" in order to get this feature)

 Console screen:
 Volume Up: Mapped to Esc key.
 Volume Down: Mapped to Enter key.
 DPad press: Mapped to Control key. (Press and then press other key. Not simultaneous pressing required)

 Enable "extra gestures" in config screen in order to send Home/End,del/tab,left/right,pgup/pgdown keys. This is very useful to execute shell and ssh connections.
 WEIRD CHARACTERS: If you get a lot of [[^ characters, is due you have "extra gestures" enabled and script/program doesn't process them. Use most right side of screen to send standard scroll event, or disable "extra gestures"

 SManager does not launch executions until external storage is mounted.

 Detected some programs/daemons (like dropbear) fails if has stdin closed. Try put "exec 0>&1" to reopen stdin in background executions.

 · Install on external storage: At this moment Android doesn't send on boot event to applications installed on external storage.

 No ads version features:
 No ads.
 Execute scripts from widgets without opening console.
 No limits in multiselect.
 Alias keys in SMConsole.
 Hide/show SMConsole status bar with up/down gesture at top of SMConsole screen.

 What's in this version:
 Vibrate on background scripts possibility. See config(Only no ads)
 Some GUI changes
 Some bug fixes
 Remember no install on external if boot scripts.
 Other bug fixes
 Thanks a lot for reports
 ICS bug: SManager seems highly affected by the following bug on some devices. wait until patched rom, I'm sorry.
 NOTE: If doesn't run in you device please send mail.

Download Instructions:

Download Script Manager (No ads) v1.9.5 Apk App New version, Link There Above With Redirect Link.

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